Limewash paint is the perfect finish for wood. Unlike traditional paint that leaves a topical plastic finish on top of wood, lime wash absorbs into the wood leaving a natural contour. Because our lime wash paint does not contain any synthetic fillers or additive our lime wash does not fade, peel or crack.
Lime washing wood is easy! For full coverage dilute the lime wash with one part paint to one part water to make a beautiful lime wash for wood. It is applied using a block brush. For partial coverage you dilute the water one part paint to two parts water. You can also apply it full coverage and then take some off with water to let some of the wood show through.
For more of a German schemer you can apply thicker in areas by not diluting it and then wiping off areas. Lime washing wood is popular for interior wood fireplaces, walls and exterior wood homes. On the exterior and in large areas lime wash can be sprayed on using an airless pump. Lime wash is the perfect choice to paint wood. While white is popular for lime washing wood, we offer 70 colors to create colorful woods as well.
Lime washing wood is done in a similar way. You can apply lime wash in full or partial coverage over interior raw wood. Lime wash can be applied to cabinets, trim, crown moulding, dressers, doors, etc. Whitewashing is a popular trend for wood and can be beautifully done using lime wash diluted 1 part paint to 3 or even 4 parts water.